Distance Healing

‘Long distance healing is wireless technology and works on a principle similar to the cell phone’.

Dr Sadie Ruttner


Distance Healthcare: for mind body & soul

An expert in holistic healthcare for mind, body and soul - Merran offers powerful remote BodyTalk sessions and energy healing to people all over the world. With clients in London and all over the United Kingdom, Europe, the United States, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand - no distance is too far.

The Benefits

People are often amazed at the results and especially at a distance. Some of the many benefits include: feeling more relaxed, less stressed, more energised, improved mood and sense of wellbeing, enhanced sleep quality, stronger immune health, clearer skin and much more. Learn more about the many other benefits and different areas of mind-body health that Merran works with.

Remote appointments are convenient and popular with international clients and people who live outside of London, as well as holiday-makers and those who travel for work, busy parents, and people who are either short of time or simply prefer the convenience and comfort of staying at home.

With the national health service (NHS) in a state of chaos - now is the time for a new paradigm of medicine. Distance healing works! People need safe, effective, results driven healthcare NOW more than ever before. And BodyTalk - offers just this. A state of the art, science based, intuitive healthcare system at its BEST and at a distance.

“Merran is a uniquely gifted and incredibly accurate, intuitive energy healer. Her work has helped so many people I know”.

Daniella, South London.

How does Distance Healing Work?

Merran uses the BodyTalk system with MindScape, a scientifically proven and structured technique that enables her to drop into an ‘alpha state’ of mind and access a higher state of awareness and intuition. Once ‘in the zone’, she can connect with her client’s energy field, intelligence system and mind-body complex. A technique called neuromuscular biofeedback (muscle testing) is then used to help her establish a yes/no response. This technique is then applied to various BodyTalk Protocol and Procedure charts that map the entire mind-body complex.

From here, Merran can find out very specifically, in priority order - exactly what part of her client’s mind-body complex requires balancing. Using her knowledge of the BodyTalk system and her training as a naturopath, she then draws upon her knowledge of many other healing modalities, tools and techniques. Pulling all resources together, Merran can then effectively facilitate in fixing, balancing, clearing and repairing thousands of possible priority imbalances across the mind-body complex. LEARN MORE about the process and what to expect during a BodyTalk session.

Find out more about the science of BodyTalk here.

Learn more about what BodyTalk is and how it might help you.