A BodyTalk Session

Remote and face to face appointments

The Initial Appointment

Once your booking has been confirmed, you will be sent an email confirmation with an online health consultation form to sign and complete. For remote appointments, one day before your appointment you will be emailed a separate link where you can make a secure payment to Merran via Zettle (a PayPal service). For face to face appointments, payment will be made to triyoga reception at the time of booking.

Note: for remote appointments you have the choice to speak via Zoom or FaceTime. You can confirm this at the time of booking, or email Merran directly.

the process:

  1. Merran will address your health and wellness goals and presenting health concerns.. She will then explain to you what BodyTalk is and how it works.

  2. BodyTalk is very safe, comfortable and done with the client resting on the treatment table, fully clothed. In a remote setting you can relax either by sitting or lying down in the comfort of your own home.

  3. Merran will begin the session by asking you to take a few nice deep relaxed breaths. In a face to face setting she will sit beside you and using your hand as a tool – work with your body’s own neuromuscular biofeedback system. This will enable her to establish a yes/no response which will assist her in asking structured yes/no questions using various BodyTalk protocol and procedure charts. These charts map the entire mind-body complex. 

  4. Throughout the process, Merran will take notes and explain – step by step – the priority issues that are coming up to be corrected. Overall balance is achieved by tapping (or focusing with intention) on your left and right brain hemispheres. This sends a signal to the brain to synchronise the imbalance. Tapping is also done on the sternum -sending a signal to the heart brain to integrate and store the changes, as well as the abdomen, to correct and anchor the balance within the gut brain.

  5. At the end of your session, Merran will recommend a suitable time for a follow up appointment and some after care advice (where necessary).

follow up appointments:

  1. Merran will review any improvements or changes since your previous appointment and take note of any existing and/or additional areas in your health and life that you would like to work on.

  2. She will then carry out a BodyTalk session. Every session is different and every session we go a little deeper. This is a bit like peeling away the layers of the onion - unravelling and resolving new priority mind-body issues as they come to light.

  3. At the end of the session, Merran will recommend a suitable time for a follow up appointment. She may also offer some after care advice.